Health Testing
About Jaina
GCH CH Brosandi Astrid Fjarasdottir TKN RN CGC
Date of Birth: May 17, 2015
Owned by: Kristine Hynes & Tina Carney | Bred by: Tina Carney
Jaina is my second Icelandic Sheepdog. A happier dog has never lived on this earth, she is constantly smiling, and her enthusiasm for life never wavers. She loves training and does well no matter what we pursue. Jaina is an incredibly easy dog to live with, she is much lower energy than Inara, and prefers chilling with me on the couch to any sort of activity, though she will happily participate in a hike, she is just as happy staying home and watch tv. She loves people and everyone she meets is her new best friend. She has great food drive and is very motivated and fun to train, though not very fast she enjoys agility practice. We also did a few days of flyball training and she blew me out of the water, so excited and happy to tug and play the new 'game'. She has been very slow to mature, acting like a puppy until she turned 4-5 (and she was my most difficult puppy to date). She's a very quiet icie and is often found sitting under trees watching squirrels play above her. She is incredibly gentle and the only thing she loves more than people is kids. We will be at the dog park and she will sit at the fence watching kids play, or following around the child someone brought into the park totally ignoring the other dogs. She has also been borrowed as a 4H dog for a 9 year old and did wonderfully. She's a sweet gentle and happy soul. Her temperament is that of my ideal dog and I would be absolutely thrilled if all her puppies ended up just like her.
Jaina's Puppies
Puppy 1 - male - Torpedo now Fisher
Puppy 2 - female - Pearl
Puppy 3 - male - Sharkbait now Stark
Litter Born: June 5, 2019
Puppy 1 - male - Calcifer
Litter Born: November 29, 2022
Win Photos
(click to enlarge)
Jaina Major Win
Jaina Major Win (National Specialty)
Jaina Best Opposite
Isneista Fjari | Gerplu Spori | Blandon Von Hoytts Snati | Snati fra Olafsvollum 03-7504 |
Lubba 92-2482 | |||
Galtanes Vaka | Islands Tanga Somi | ||
Snotra 93-2898 | |||
Emerald Isle Grima | Viking Rakke | Virkis Tyri | |
Asa Grima | |||
Nebbi fra Emerald Isle | Hjalti fra Dyggur | ||
Njala 01-05985 | |||
Lappevennens Runa Embla | Astvinur Fengur | Vaskurs Flibbi Jakisson | Pretty-Prud's Jaki |
Vaskurs Dimmalimm | |||
Wadsteinas Snotra Tibradottir | Gunnar fra Gull Lyklinum | ||
Ullalvas Tibra | |||
Lappevennens Tindra | Ymir 06-16876N | Garpur Av Tussvoll | |
Froya 00-09791N | |||
Disa Av Holteheia 04-07525N | Geiko Av Holteheia | ||
Roskva Av Holteheia |